速報APP / 工具 / Paste It

Paste It





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Paste It(圖1)-速報App

Paste It is perfect for uploading logcats, code, and other text to any site running Stikked. You can customize which site to upload to in the Settings of the app. After uploading, the URL of the paste is automatically copied to your clipboard.

You can import text from any file on your SD card, we do not support uploads from locations requiring superuser access.

Permissions Explanation:

Internet: Necessary to upload pastes to the specified server.

Paste It(圖2)-速報App

Access Network State: Prevent crashes by ensuring there is an active network connection.

Read External Storage: Used for opening, reading, and uploading user-selected files.

Source code: https://git.teamblueridge.org/projects/PASTE/repos/pasteit/browse

Code review: https://review.teamblueridge.org/

Bug reports: https://jira.teamblueridge.org/projects/PASTE/issues

Stikked info: https://github.com/claudehohl/Stikked